Dharmendrasinh Merubha Jadeja

Dharmendrasinh.M.Jadeja (Hakubha) is talented & an independent-minded leader with an enthusiastic temperament, charismatic speaking skills and a knack for consensus-building.

His values are strongly shaped by his expertise as local public services. While private by nature, Hakubha mingles easily with others, but is most comfortable addressing large crowds.

Hakubha is known for being unafraid to speak and hear hard truths when necessary.Although armed with shrewd political sensibilities, he’s sometimes slow to recognize viable threats to his agenda.

Major Area Of Interest: 

Hakubha’s areas of special legislative interest have been in support for working families, public education, health care, Social & Religious Activity, economic growth and jobs creation as well as maximum works for public interest & local support.

Personal Data: 

  • Birth – May 22nd , 1972 in Village Bhatel Dist. Jamnagar (Gujarat)
  • Education – Higher Secondary Certificate
  • Faith – Hindu
  • Self-Occupation – Farmer